
At Strong Roots, we strive to connect children to one another and the natural world. We are committed to giving children the TIME that they need to grow DEEP, MEANINGFUL CONNECTIONS in their relationships with one another and with the world surrounding them. We know that families need this same connection . Through family gatherings and festivals, we aim to create a vibrant community of people who are deeply connected to the land and one another. Strong Roots was founded, not with school in mind, but with community at heart.


Lantern Walk

Just as our days are growing shorter and the nights longer, we gather, with homemade lanterns in hand and fire blazing to sing, connect, and walk in reverence remembering to keep the light deep in our hearts kindled through the short and dark days ahead. This festival is rooted in the Festival of Martinmas, celebrated by Waldorf Schools around the globe and focused on the strength of our inner light. We accompany it with a warm clothes drive for families in need.



In May we gather for a magical festival filled with wonder, beauty, and happiness. Our older children create a beautifully imaginative display of fairy houses throughout the Native Garden area for families to walk through and experience the magic of happening upon these thoughtful and creative little houses. Families engage in their own fairy house making in the pine woods nearby. Flowers are brought and shared to make festive willow crowns and songs and tastes of Spring are shared. It is a lovely way to embrace the aliveness and joy that fills the land in Spring.

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Bridging Ceremony

As our youngest children in the Wild Roots class are ready to move into the older classes we take time to celebrate our days together and look forward to what is to come. This is done through story related to the children’s experiences in their youngest years. Following the story, children are gifted a Rose Quartz to carry with them on their journeys ahead, and they walk across the bridge representing where they have been and where they are to go. All along the way we are singing and supporting them. This is a beautifully, simple celebration of their path and what lies ahead.